
  • Constructed mainly from high tensile aluminum alloy and aluminum sheet.
  • Provided with four stands along with rubber shoes at the bottom.
  • One flunch is provided at the corner of the platform for the purpose of drainage of waste odor.


Technical features

  • It is technically designed to avoid leakage from all four sides of the platform.
  • The aluminum sheet used in the patla is supported by 1” round diameter corrugated tubing sections to provide support to the sheet and make it load bearing.


  • The size of the platform is 6.5 ft X 2.5 ft (L X B) and the height of the platform is 2.5 ft to 3 ft approximately.


  • You can get different sizes in height of maximum 2.5 ft to 3 ft long to operate on it in standing position.
  • You can also get the minimum size in height of 10 inches to 12 inches long to operate on it in sitting position.


  • Mainly needed and required by Muslim Charitable Firms, Mosques and Donors for donation purpose.